“A woman’s right to choose”

“A woman’s right to choose” intentionally omits the balance of the message.  It should read

“A woman’s right to choose to kill the baby conceived by her and the baby’s father.”  But what about the father’s rights?  How is it that men cannot take custody of their own flesh and blood, and love and raise it?    Men may have the legal obligation to pay child support for eighteen years, but for some unexplained reason, they have no right when it comes to the birth of their child.  Militant “feminists” claim that men have no right to an opinion on the life of unborn babies because men don’t give birth to them.  “Shut up” they tell all men.   Shouldn’t we tell unemployed women to “shut up” about child support if they don’t have a job?

Where is the fairness in this “right to choose”?

There must be dozens, if not scores of men in prison for murder of their unborn children.  Scott Petersen is just one example.  Ariel Castro, who held three women prisoner for ten years, will soon be on trial for murdering his unborn children.  How can it be that no woman is in prison for murdering unborn children?

The reason is that it is all built on lies, beginning with Roe v. Wade.  Norma McCorvey lied, claiming that she “was raped.”  She wasn’t.  Racked by the guilt of her legacy, Norma McCorvey worked tirelessly to undo the grisly effects of her perjury.  Norma McCorvey was against abortion.  Too late.  The damage is done.  Thirty-two million dead, and almost as many “mothers” wounded.  Women who have had abortions have increased incidences of depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, breast cancer, and suicide.


10 astounding facts about the development of the unborn baby

  1. If we took the DNA that is in a single cell – including that of the zygote – and laid it end-to-end, it would measure 1 metre. In fact, if we uncoiled all of the DNA within an adult human being, it would reach to the Sun and back … 340 times.
  1. Only one week after fertilisation, the embryo signals to the mother that she is pregnant by manufacturing and releasing its own hormone (human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG). When the ovaries receive the hCG signal, they then continue producing progesterone, which maintains the lining of the uterus so that the embryo can implant there. The developing human being self-contains all that it needs in order to survive in its proper environment – that of the womb.
  1. The heart begins beating at 3 weeks and 1 day after fertilisation … and it will beat 54 million times before the baby is born. By 6.5 weeks, the heart has four chambers and is largely complete, beating more than 160 times per minute. At 7.5 weeks, electrical activity of the heart has a wave pattern similar to an adult’s.
  1. By 3 weeks the brain is already dividing into three distinct sections: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. By the fourth and fifth weeks, the brain further divides into a total of five different sections, and primitive brain waves have been recorded as early as 6 weeks and 2 days after fertilisation.
  1. At 6 weeks, the embryo begins to make reflexive movements. In fact, just before the seventh week, a touch to the mouth area will cause the unborn child to reflexively withdraw their head. By 8 weeks, the baby will grasp, move their jaw, squint, or point their toes in response to touch; in the low-gravity environment of the amniotic sac, the baby is even able to roll over – an ability that newborns can take up to five months to accomplish in the normal gravity outside the womb.
  1. Hiccups have been observed as early as 7 weeks; from 8 weeks, the fetus displays intermittent breathing motions. At 9 weeks, the baby can sigh and will have started sucking their thumb.
  1. Three-quarters of all babies at 8 weeks gestation exhibit right-hand dominance. The remaining quarter are equally divided into left-hand dominance and no preference.
  1. In female babies, the ovaries are identifiable by 7 weeks, and the uterus by 9 weeks. External genitalia also starts to take shape to the extent that a boy or girl can be identified visually.
  1. Between the 9th and 10th week, the baby goes through a burst of growth whereby its body weight increases by 75%!
  1. In the 11th week, the fetus’ intestines start to absorb glucose and water which has been swallowed; bowel movements, however, began far earlier – at 6 weeks.

Those are 10 astounding facts about the development of the unborn baby – but here is an extra fact as well:

  1. All of the above has happened just within the first trimester i.e. the first 3 months of your life. The entire blueprint of the human body is woven from a single cell, the beginning of your life, and then set by the end of only 3 months, when you were only about 4 inches long.

Source: The Endowment for Human Development, ‘Movie Theater’ http://www.ehd.org/movies-index.php



Genocides worldwide

Kermit Gosnell – Democrat Poster Child for “A woman’s right to choose”

(Click on image to enlarge)


Bill Clinton, darling of the Democrat Party, famously said he wanted to “make abortions safe, effective and rare.”  Why “rare” if  they are simply “a woman’s [but never a man’s] right to choose”?

If “choice” is good, why do Democrats oppose school “choice” by means of vouchers?  Why do Democrats overwhelmingly oppose “choice” to own firearms, guaranteed by the Second Amendment?  Why we can’t even exercise “choice” when it comes to smoking cigarettes.  To hear extremist rhetoric, they have a “right” not to smell cigarette smoke, but babies have no “right” to their very bodies and lives, and certainly their fathers have no “right” to keep and raise their own flesh and blood.

The founder of Planned Parenthood was Margaret Sanger, a vile racist.   “Colored people are like weeds and are to be exterminated.” – Margaret Sanger  She is lionized by Democrats, like Hillary Clinton.

Margaret Sanger

In her book “Pivot of Civilization” (1922), Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood (sic) called for “The elimination of ‘human weeds’…overrunning the human garden;…for the cessation of ‘charity’ because it prolonged the lives of the unfit; for the segregation of ‘morons, misfits, and the maladjusted’; and for the sterilization of genetically inferior races.”

Sanger influenced Hitler to consider the German, or “Aryan,” race as “ubermensch,” supermen, being more advanced in the supposed progress of human evolution. This resulted in their perverted effort to rid the “human gene pool” of “untermensch” – races considered less evolved, through the gas chambers. Stalin followed this example, exterminating 25 million “inferior” Ukrainians.


Currently, black mothers get abortions at about six times the rate of white mothers.

Don’t hate the messenger, hate the injustice.  Abortionno.org

Abortion pictures

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” – Jeremiah 1:5

Now please draw a vertical line between the left end and the right end where you split the second and can destroy the baby in its mother’s womb on the right side of your selected line, but not on the left side.  Now explain your reasoning.


Conception                                                                                                        Birth after 9 months

Andrea Bocelli’s mother was advised by doctors to have an abortion because her son would be deformed. She refused and her son is a gifted tenor renowned the world over.


Andrea’s story is an important reminder that all lives are important. You don’t have to grow up and become a world-famous singer in order to matter. God has a special purpose for all of us!